Django: Dynamic site-wide navigation menus

2009 Aug 24 - Brian Kloppenborg

When I started doing web development professionally back in 2004 my first application of server-side includes was for navigation menus. They are one of the most critical components of any website and thus it was the first “real” task I attempted to tackle with Django. The problem is that using the template system you can easily encode a static navigation menu in a base template and then inherit that for all subsequent pages, but what if you want a dynamically-generated navigation menu perhaps adding in user-specific links after login? The answer to this question turned out to be more complicated to track down than to actually implement.

In my Django project, I first created a new app entitled ’navigation’ and added it to INSTALLED_APPS in the file. We won’t do anything with this app for a while, but we’ll need it to be there. Lets start by looking at my template for my HTML pages called “base.html”:

Just like with server-side-includes, you can include your navigation menu by an include directive:

{% raw %}
    {% include 'navigation/base.html' %}
{% endraw %}

Whereas the navigation template (navigation/base.html) looks like this:

{% raw %}
    {% if nav_menu %} {% for entry in nav_menu %}
      <li><a href="#">LinkText</a></li>
    {% endfor %} {% else %}
      <li>No Navigation Menu</li>
    {% endif %}
{% endraw %}

I’ve actually copied the Django templates into a directory called ’templates' and then updated TEMPLATE_DIRS in the file accordingly. The problem is that with this implementation, you must include a context for the navigation menu (nav_menu above) in every page that will have the navigation menu displayed… too much work. A simple way to fix this is to override the default context processors to cause some contexts to be automatically generated when a page is requested. To do so, add the add the following to your file:


The django.core.context_processors are the default options as specified in Django’s API documentation and my own custom context processor is specified by navigation.context_processors.menu_context. Now we need to specify the context to be generated. In the navigation/ we need to create a context to our navigation object:

    def menu_context(request):
        nav_menu = "NAV" c = Context({'nav_menu': nav_menu})

        return c

I have not actually written any other code in the navigation module so at the moment I’m just returning a string that, when processed by the navigation template, should result in three navigation links showing up. Now that we have set up automatic generation of contexts, how do we use them? Well, instead of using the Context class to generate contexts in our views, we use the RequestContext class:

    def some_view(request):

        # ...
        c = RequestContext(request, ...)
        return HttpResponse(t.render(c))</pre>

Or if you use the render_to_response function, you need to supply an optional parameter, the context_instance:

    def menu_context(request):

        nav_menu = "NAV"
 c = Context({'nav_menu', nav_menu})
        return c

See the Context Documentation for more information. In my next post I’ll describe how to design a very simple model to store your navigation menu and how to export the data into a CSS-compatible navigation menu.